Data driven maintenance planning in four step

With Sinom's data-driven planning tool, you easily create long-term, sustainable and cost-effective plans for the renovation and maintenance of your properties. Plans that are also adapted to energy and climate goals. You get a clear overview while saving time, money and protecting the environment.

Översikt som visar kostnader och åtgärder i system för fastighetsunderhåll


Make an assessment of the current status

In order to get accurate forecasts and planning, the right data is needed – basic building data, energy data and current property inspections. The tool is easy to use and helps make the inspection process easier with smart import and completion functions.

Program för fastighetsunderhåll

See different scenarios for maintenance and renovations

Based on your imported data, you can quickly obtain different maintenance and renovation plans for a component, building or entire portfolio. These forecasts include everything from maintenance costs, component status and energy and CO2 emissions.

Proptech för underhållsplanering

Let the tool optimize and update your plans automatically

The tool updates your maintenance plans automatically when you do new property inspections or receive changed costs. You can also customize existing plans based on new priorities, goals or needs.

Diagram över åtgärder och kostnader i system för fastighetsunderhåll

Follow up on completed actions with the help of a clear overview

Through a clear overview and action plan directly in the tool, you can easily follow up on implemented measures.

What You Gain from Following the Four Steps

Du får en skräddarsydd och optimerad underhållsplan som bygger på relevant data om hur konditionen på din fastighet faktiskt ser ut. You receive a tailored and optimized maintenance plan based on relevant data reflecting the actual condition of your property. Maximize efficiency and sustainability in your property management after completing the four steps in Sinom's data-driven maintenance planning tool. You will encounter a multitude of opportunities that extend far beyond traditional property management. By applying our advanced methodology, collected data and analyses are transformed into a strategic advantage that not only optimizes maintenance plans and planning processes but also contributes to more sustainable and economically beneficial property maintenance.

With Sinom's property management tool, you gain a strategic partner that prioritizes cost-efficiency while also focusing on increasing the value of your property portfolio and working towards your sustainability targets. By shifting from reactive to proactive maintenance, you can create a more stable and predictable operational environment and minimize unexpected expenses. Additionally, Sinom's tool supports your decision-making process with updated and detailed property data, enabling well-informed decisions that consider both current and future needs. With a focus on sustainability, Sinom also integrates energy and climate goals into your maintenance plans, benefiting the environment and enhancing the long-term value and attractiveness of your properties. With Sinom's tool, you take the first step toward a future where your properties not only survive but thrive.